Regional Advocacy Networks receive IT support

Authored by David Idoru | On: Wed, 03/31/2021 - 19:09

As part of boosting record keeping, documentation and communication amongst the UNNGOF sub national partners, 11 laptops were donated to 11 Regional Advocacy Networks(RANs) by UNNGOF in partnership with Forus and with funding from European Commission. This support comes under the UNNGOF-Forus one-year project that aims at strengthening communication and governance in Umbrella Organizations.

ICT - A Must in Enhancing CSOs Visibility

Authored by Sarah Pacutho | On: Thu, 11/03/2016 - 09:06

As part of membership servicing, Uganda National NGO Forum in partnership with TESPOK-Kenya conducted a sensitization workshop for UNNGOF members on the relevance of ICT to CSOs on 25th October 2016 at Royal Suites Hotel Kampala. Attended by over 50 CSO representatives, the workshop aimed at providing participants with the knowledge and skills on how to use ICT to serve their organizations better.

Does increase in Academic qualifications reduce MP Kickouts?

Authored by Sarah Pacutho | On: Tue, 08/02/2016 - 15:21

There is a new wind sweeping across the political line, specifically in the line of the Members of Parliament. Since February 18th 2016, the courts have been busy handling petitions, of course courtesy of the Principal Judge’s directive to have these handled in the nearest 6 months. Several individuals took it to court to challenge their counterparts for various reasons ranging from the common voter bribery to the now white elephant-lack of the requisite academic qualifications.

Uganda Civil Society Statement to the High Level Political Forum

Authored by Sarah Pacutho | On: Tue, 07/12/2016 - 12:16

In 2015, leaders of the world signed up to the Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, inequality and climate change. Together as citizens of the world, and civil society across the world, we committed ourselves to create change in the world. We therefore must challenge ourselves as citizens of the world and leaders in society to make sure the Sustainable Development Goals are met from the start. As civil society we are watching to ensure that our leaders live up to their commitments and that we continue to play our part in ensuring that the Goals are met.

CEON-U Blows Whistle on Election Violence

Authored by Sarah Pacutho | On: Fri, 11/06/2015 - 14:45

"...leaders must rise to a nationwide standard of zero tolerance to violence in Uganda."

The Citizens’ Election Observers Network – Uganda (CEON-Uganda) is a consortium of 18  civil society organizations committed to conducting a unified, comprehensive and effective domestic election observation mission for the 2016 general elections. The consortium’s intervention is guided by the overarching need to promote transparency, accountability and integrity, as well as increase citizen participation in Uganda’s electoral processes.

Integrity and Leadership Accountability key in Fighting corruption

Authored by Sarah Pacutho | On: Fri, 12/05/2014 - 17:25

Civil Society Organisations, on 3rd December 2014 agreed to incorporate integrity in the fight against corruption. This was at the 4th Anti-Corruption Convention which also marked 100 weeks of wearing Black every Monday. The Convention, themed “Fighting Corruption and Building Integrity”, brought together over 600 citizens from different walks of life including office of the Auditor General, the Supreme Court and several Civil Society Organisations.

Mentoring Women Leaders

Authored by Sarah Pacutho | On: Fri, 12/05/2014 - 16:56

Women in different historical and cultural contexts have found it easier to become active at local level through community organizations, self-help groups, traders’ association, faith-based organizations, mothers’ Union groups, name it.

Evidence suggests that women who attain leadership roles in NGOs have had to develop specific coping strategies to deal with the cultural and social pressures they face. In some instances there is evidence that female leaders bring a mix of skills learnt in the home while sometimes they are forced to adapt to “paternalistic” leadership style.

100 Weeks of Black Monday and still counting!

Authored by Sarah Pacutho | On: Tue, 12/02/2014 - 18:13

Corruption has for long been a constant narrative in Uganda’s political sphere but in 2012, the Ugandan Society were unanimous on the new and worrying state that the Pearl of Africa found itself mired in. Ugandans had grown seemingly weary of cases where taxpayers’ money is siphoned off by well-connected government officials, often walking away scot-free. But the scandals that rocked the apex of government ministries, the Office of the Prime Minister, and the Public Service ministry in 2012 re-ignited public interest.

Elder Citizens urge Government to Prioritize Social Protection

Authored by Sarah Pacutho | On: Wed, 11/19/2014 - 15:40

The Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF) in partnership with Development Research and Training (DRT) organized a strategic meeting with Uganda Local Government Association (ULGA) to engage on the Social Assistance Grant for Empowerment (SAGE) programme and the Social Protection Agenda. The meeting was held on the 12th November 2014 at Muyenga International Hotel with over 15 participants that included CSOs (DRT, Help Age International, and UNNGOF) entire ULGA Executive and the media.