District leaders ought to be change-makers

Published By UNNGOF |  April 13, 2022

Capacity enhancement and engagement seminars are part of a deliberate process under our Philanthropy for Development (#P4D) Programme to enhance collaboration between citizens and governance bodies. 

UNNGOF is committed to working with our Regional Advocacy Networks (RANS) to deepen the conversation on community-led development as part of building sustainable communities. 

Rwampara is a district in South Western Uganda that was carved out of Mbarara District and given district status in July 2019. WACSOF and UNNGOF were pleased to host this very new and young district council for a one-day induction on 23rd March 2022, covering relevant sessions like value-driven leadership, councillors’ roles and responsibilities, and human rights programming.

The RDC of Rwampara District local government, Mr. Emmy Kateera Turyabagyenyi challenged the councillors to be change agents for their communities. He noted that there is no way a community can be transformed if the leaders are not living an exemplary and inspiring life from which their constituents can learn. 

He reminded the leaders that their mandate was derived from the will of the people and their consent through elections. Therefore, the onus is on them to effectively mobilize and champion the transformation agenda for their communities. I urge you to read Article 1 of the Constitution of Uganda and take time to reflect on it,” stressed the RDC.

The seminar allowed the district leaders to appreciate the wrong practices that were happening before this induction and thus made joint resolutions going forward. They resolved to respect each other as people’s representatives, comply with the laws of Uganda while making council decisions, regularly attend council and standing committee sessions, and improve communication between themselves, technical staff and the District Executive Committee.

The LC V Chairperson, Mr. Richard Owomugasho, appreciated the timely induction of the district council and noted that, We shall be a better council. We shall be good administrators and leaders because at the heart of any leadership, the dignity of people should be preserved”. 

Political leaders are expected to champion the interests of citizens through their oversight, legislative, and resource appropriation functions, and from the seminar, participants greatly appreciated these roles.