Fulfilling the Promise-Navigating Gender Injustice in Uganda for Lasting Social TransformationDownloads: 23 | Size: 4 MB
Overview This Issues Paper delves into the critical juncture we find ourselves in, seven years after the global consensus reached by 193 United Nations member states on the necessity of building sustainable development on the pillars of equality, inclusiveness, and the universal enjoyment of basic human rights. It emphasizes the indispensable role of closing the gender gap for accelerating development and establishing a foundation for peace in societies, a stance supported by various academic studies. Yet, as we approach the midpoint of the 2030 timeline set for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN’s gender equality agency raises alarms about the significant lag in closing the gender gap.
Militarisation of Public Administration: A Threat to Democratic GovernanceDownloads: 45 | Size: 6 MB
OverviewThis Issues Paper aims to contribute to discussions on creating a governance model that minimises military influence in public affairs, advocating for a governance architecture that fosters an open, free, and democratic society. This comprehensive analysis serves as a resource for advocacy and lobbying efforts aimed at rectifying governance shortcomings and promoting a progressive separation of military and civilian domains in Uganda. |
CSO Leaders’ Quarterly Meeting with MoIA_Issues Paper – April 04 2023Downloads: 3 | Size: 427 KB
Overview |
Final Issues Paper – Covid19 Democracy-Godber-NkwatsibweDownloads: 9 | Size: 502 KB
Overview |