Dr. Akim Okuni
Education and Development Policy and Programming Specialist, with at least 15 years of national level engagement in evidence-based education sector strategic policy dialogue and advice with the government of Uganda, as well as local level community out-reach work and experience designing and implementing, and researching, education programs in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.
Won the World Bank Group FY06 Support Award for valuable contribution to the Education Sector (in Uganda). An early career academic with 15+ years of qualitative research experience and teaching university courses on undergraduate and postgraduate levels at Makerere University and Islamic University in Uganda. I have supervised Masters’ degree dissertations, published 10+ articles in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, and co-edited and authored up to seven books on capacity building in qualitative (educational) research methodology, school improvement and early childhood development in East Africa, deepening the understanding of poverty and the multidimensional factors and dynamics of moving out of poverty, and on post-colonial (cultural) studies in Africa.
PhD in Education; MPhil in Modern Poetry in English; Postgraduate Diploma in Education BA with Honours in Literature in English.