The ‘Weekly Community Initiative’ driving change

Published By UNNGOF |  November 16, 2023

Envisioning a society driven by local philanthropy and domestic resource mobilization, the Philanthropy for Development program has become a catalyst for change. An example emerges from Kabale District, Kigezi sub-region, where communities are uniting for the common good.

In the wake of the impactful 2022 community fireplace conversations, citizens identified critical issues affecting their lives. Addressing challenges such as high poverty levels, impassable roads, encroachment on swamps, gender-based violence, petty theft, and corruption at health centers, the community members took a proactive stance.

Five villages – Rwenkima, Kategure, Kyakagongi, Kabira I, and Kabira II – forged an alliance to combat these issues through a transformative weekly initiative known as PLAN. Every Wednesday at 6.00 am, a designated member mobilizes the community with a trumpet call, signaling the commencement of their weekly service.

This collaborative effort has yielded significant results. The community has undertaken tasks like clearing feeder roads, constructing a protected spring, and even building a temporary bridge. Beyond the physical work, the initiative has addressed social issues, tackling petty thieves and perpetrators of gender-based violence through warnings and counseling.

An example of the impact is Korakunde Wensi from Rwenkimba Village in Kigata Parish, Kyanamira Sub-county. He shares, “In 2022, rains washed away our only gateway to the church, school, and farmlands. Despite numerous pleas to the government yielding no results, the community, inspired by domestic giving awareness meetings, formed a committee. Each family contributed, some offering timber, logs, and nails. The able-bodied men united to reconstruct the broken bridge. Today, we are connected, and life is moving forward.”