Teso Region Launches the National and Regional Manifestos Amidst Excitement

Published By UNNGOF |  December 15, 2015

On Friday 4th December 2015, the Teso region launched the 2016-2021 Citizens’ Manifesto and the Teso Regional Manifesto at Kumi Hotel, Kumi District amidst rejuvenated hopes and excitement. This excitement was derived from the appreciation of the citizen’s goals, aspirations and commitments embodied in the two Manifestos. From the discussion, it was unanimous that if realized, the demands in the Manifestos would lead to the full realization a ‘prosperous and peaceful Uganda with happy people’.

The event which was coordinated by Action Aid Kumi LRP and supported by the Uganda National NGO Forum brought together over 400 citizens from the Teso region representing diverse social, economic and political demographics. Notable participants included RDCs, District Chairpersons and CAOs, religious leaders, aspiring Members of Parliaments and local council councilors from the districts of Kumi, Soroti, Bukedea, Ngora, Serere and Katakwi. The launch was themed on Article 1 of the Ugandan constitution which stipulates that “Power belongs to the people” and underscores the importance of citizens’ participation in the country’s governance agenda.

While unpacking the National Manifesto, the representative of the Uganda Governance and Monitoring Platform intimated that the Manifesto is a product of multifaceted citizen engagement and wide stakeholder consultative processes and informed by 29 other interest group and regional Manifestos; and thence the views therein an expression of the Citizens continuous commitment and resolve to renew the promise of dignity for all Ugandans while demanding from those who seek to lead the country the commitment to the fulfill this promise and account to the citizens.

During the plenary sessions, speaker after speaker from across political divide expressed dismay about the current comprehensive breakdown in service delivery in the region and the wanton theft of public resources which further precipitates the low levels of development and inequality. They thus called upon their leaders to implement the key demands and aspirations contained in the Teso Manifesto if the region is to leap from the quicksand of poverty and disease to the florescent heights of prosperity and development.

While speaking at the event, the RDC Kumi District, Mr. Hussein Matanda Kato appreciated the organizers for facilitating continued citizen engagements in the region and affirmed government’s commitment to addressing the challenges highlighted in the Manifestos. Some of the key demands in the Teso regional Manifesto include the need for re-establishment of the cooperative unions to support agricultural productivity and livelihoods; access to clean and safe water; better health services and deepening the fight against corruption.

Story by Chris Nkwatsibwe