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Terms of Reference for a Consultant to Develop Regional and National Citizen Charters on Development and GovernanceDownloads: 10 | Size: 109 KB
Overview The Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF) in partnership with its Regional Implementing Partners have organized community consultative meetings to provide an opportunity for citizens to voice their concerns, share their aspirations, and discuss their priorities for the upcoming elections. These consultations are a critical part of the ongoing process of generating citizens’ aspirations, which will ultimately guide the development of the citizens’ charters that reflect the people’s needs.
It is against this background that UNNGOF seeks the services of a consultant(s) to develop regional and national citizens’ charters. The charters will be an agreed compact representing citizens’ development and governance aspirations for the new year of office. These charters will form the basis for citizens’ engagement with political candidates during the 2025/26 campaigns and hold leaders accountable at all levels beyond 2026.
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Call for Proposals: Consultancy to Analyse the Fourth National Development Plan (NDPIV), December 2024 in Regard to the CSO Fundamentals Paper on the NDPIVDownloads: 18 | Size: 95 KB
OverviewGovernment of Uganda through the National Planning Authority (NPA) is finalizing the process of developing the NDPIV (2025/26 – 2029/30). Uganda has embraced a growth and socioeconomic transformation period since 2010 which focuses on increasing competitiveness by addressing fundamental economic constraints and leveraging opportunities to transition Uganda into a modern and prosperous nation. The implementation approach of a five-year – six NDPs has enabled the prioritization of interventions for this sustained growth and transformation. The NDPIV, which is under formulation, is expected to be achieved by doubling the size of the economy in the next five years. Its focus is drawn from insights and lessons gleaned from the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the NDP III. It is envisaged that the implementation of the NDPIV will fully harness Uganda’s economic potential in the next 5-years to optimize future developmental endeavors. The approval of the NDPIV, in December 2024 by the Parliament of Uganda with amendments, marks the commencement of the conclusion phases of the formulation phase. During the formulation process of Uganda’s NDPIV, the Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF) played a key role in coordinating the participation of CSOs. One of the significant contributions was the CSO Fundamentals Paper on NDP IV developed with support from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Uganda. This paper outlined critical issues and recommendations from the CSOs’ perspective, shared and discussed with the NPA during the consultations phase of the NDPIV. The development of the fundamentals paper involved extensive consultations with a broad range of stakeholders, with CSOs actively engaging in dialogues with the NPA. Several CSOs, particularly those with thematic areas of focus, developed issue-specific papers and conducted multiple engagements with the NPA to ensure that the perspectives of the wider civil society were incorporated into the planning process. Following the near completion of the process, UNNGOF seeks the expertise of an independent consultant to analyze the current draft of the NDP IV and establish the extent to which it responds to and incorporates the recommendations and proposals of Civil Society. The analysis will also identify critical interventions that were not considered to inform future advocacy engagements. This analysis will act as a CSO foundational document for providing input into the future MTR of the NDPIV during its implementation period towards the realization of Uganda’s development agenda within the timeframe and beyond. Download and Apply |
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Call for Proposals: Consultancy to Conduct an Assessment on the Functionality of Local Government Public Accounts Committees.Downloads: 23 | Size: 124 KB
OverviewLocal Government District Public Accounts Committees (LGPACs) are established under the laws of Uganda to provide important checks on corruption and mismanagement of public resources by Public Officers. Specifically, they are empowered to ensure that public officials are accountable for the use of public funds, and help to prevent corruption and mismanagement of public resources. In line with the Decentralization Policy being implemented in Uganda, the powers of the Parliamentary Accountability committees under Article 163 (4) and (5) of the constitution of Uganda were delegated to LGPACs under section 88 of the Local Government Act CAP 243. The Local Government Public Accounts Committees are mandated to examine the reports of the Auditor General, chief internal auditor and any reports of commissions of inquiry. Hence, they are important for promoting accountability, transparency and good governance at Local Government level, hence ensuring that public funds at the district level are used efficiently. The LGPACs are assigned to examine financial reports, ensure compliance with laws, and scrutinise public resource use. Through their oversight role, they provide an important check on corruption in local governments and improve local government’s management of public resources to promote development Despite their role, the functionality and effectiveness of LGPACs is a pressing concern in many districts across the country as this affects the effective functioning of local governments and the overall development of a country. The ACODE Policy Briefing Paper Series No.58 (2020) on the LGPACs, highlights that many LGPACs struggle with operational challenges, including insufficient budgets and inadequate training, which limit their ability to conduct audits and enforce accountability measures. In this regard, UNNGOF and ACFIM with support from Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Ireland seek to commission an assessment on the functionality of 18 District Public Accounts Committees in the 14 subregions of Uganda. This assessment will provide actionable insights to address existing gaps and strengthen LGPACs, contributing to improved governance and service delivery. Download and Apply |
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Call for Proposals: Baseline Survey for Protecting Democracy: Mitigating and Reporting the Human Rights violations in Uganda ProjectDownloads: 43 | Size: 224 KB
OverviewWith funding from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Uganda, UNNGOF is undertaking a 2-year project titled – Protecting Democracy: Mitigating and responding to Human Rights violations in Uganda. This project is being designed at a time when Uganda is preparing for the 2025/26 elections. Human rights violations often increase during the election period. During the pre-Election Phase, the project will focus on increasing awareness of human rights and electoral laws among the populace, building the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) and communities to respond to human rights violations, and training journalists in human rights reporting and protection in complex situations. During the election phase, the project will leverage UNNGOF’s extensive networks to establish early warning systems to identify and mitigate potential human rights abuses, monitor and document human rights violations in real-time, provide legal support to victims of human rights abuses, and ensure deployment of human rights monitors and journalists to report and possibly deter misconduct of duty bearers in the course of their duties. Finally, post-election, UNNGOF will advocate for accountability and justice for human rights violations, support reconciliation and peace-building initiatives post-election to mitigate the effects of a divisive electoral process, evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, and seek the necessary policy reforms. The overall project goal is to strengthened rule of law and access to justice in Uganda The project has three specific inter-related outcomes:
UNNGOF is therefore seeking applications from competent individuals or firms to conduct a baseline survey for the project. Download and Learn More |
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Call for Proposals: Consultancy to Document the Topowa Forum ModelDownloads: 32 | Size: 871 KB
OverviewThe objective of this consultancy is to document the TOPOWA Forum Model. The consultancy will entail documenting the impact, adaptability, and sustainability of the model. Scope of Work The consultant will undertake the following tasks:
Deliverable The consultant shall provide a publishable document about the Topowa Forum Model. Timeframe The assignment will last 30 days from the date of contract signing. Application Procedure Interested individuals should submit a cover letter outlining their suitability for the assignment to the Executive Director of Uganda National NGO Forum, by email to procurement@ngoforum.or.ug In addition, each applicant should submit the following:
The deadline for receiving submissions is Thursday, 12th December 2024 Disclaimer: UNNGOF reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submissions. |
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Public Notice: Open Bidding for Used Motor VehiclesDownloads: 33 | Size:
OverviewUganda National NGO Forum invites interested parties to participate in an open bidding process for used motor vehicles. Viewing Details:
– Dates: Friday, 22nd November 2024 to Friday, 29th November 2024
– Locations:
– UNNGOF Office, Kabalagala
– Western Ankole Civil Society Forum Office, Bushenyi
Bidding Process:
1. Obtain bid documents at UGX 30,000 per vehicle (non-refundable).
2. Submit bids by Friday, 29th November 2024, 12:00 PM EAT.
Contact Us:
For more information, email info@ngoforum.or.ug or call +256704325046 | +256703725600
We look forward to receiving your bids!
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Call for Proposals-Organizational Capacity Assessment on Strengthening Citizens Engagement and Public AccountabilityDownloads: 45 | Size: 88 KB
OverviewUNNGOF intends to implement a project titled Strengthening Citizens Engagement and Public Accountability (SCEPA) supported by the Royal Danish Embassy. The four-year project will contribute towards an organized and engaged citizenry actively holding public institutions accountable. Objective three of the project seeks to improve coordination and capacity of CSOs to effectively influence governance and accountability processes. Under this objective, the project focuses on building the capacity of grassroots organisations to engage and mobilise citizens to participate in accountability processes. UNNGOF seeks to identify and incubate 14 regional CSOs across the country and transform them into regional democracy hubs in the target regions and will work with them throughout the project to perform specific tasks and ensure that they are anchors of democratic accountability across the country. In this regard, UNNGOF seeks to carry out a capacity assessment for the identified CSOs at regional level to inform the selection of the Democracy hubs. This assessment will also inform the development of tailor-made capacity-strengthening action plans to bridge the identified gaps. It is against this background that UNNGOF is seeking the services of a consultant or firm to undertake OCAs for the selected CSOs and develop comprehensive Capacity Building Plans. Full Technical and Financial proposals should be sent via email to procurement@ngoforum.or.ug by close of business Monday, 30th September 2024. Download the Terms of Reference |
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Call for Proposals- Terms of Reference for the Study on NGO Resilience Under Direct Government AttacksDownloads: 51 | Size: 935 KB
OverviewThe infractions against civil society, despite the presence of a regulatory framework and laws that lay out avenues for structured engagement like in Uganda, have severely affected civil society organising, operations and engagement on critical issues in the country. In South Sudan, the operating environment political unrest has led to the closure of most CSOs with some going into hiding for fear of political persecution. The poaching of top CSO leaders and technocrats by the Government in Kenya remains a major issue of concern. In Tanzanian CSOs face constant threats of deregistration while in Rwanda the law grants leeway for local government to co-opt and control the activities and budgets of CSOs within their area of operation. In spite of this, many NGOs continue to operate and deliver their mandates with some building robust institutional resilience, adopting strategies that are unique and effective. However, these strategies and resilience models are not well documented for mutual learning. It is against this background, that seek applications from competent individuals to conduct a study on NGO resilience under direct government attacks in selected 3 partner states of the East African Region. Objective of the Study The overall objective of this study is to enable us to better understand the preparedness, response strategies, and resilience of NGOs to shrinking civic space in 3 select partner states of the EAC. Download the ToRs to Learn More and Apply |
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Call for Proposals- Development and Design of Visual and Audio Messages for a Multi-Media CampaignDownloads: 40 | Size: 1 MB
OverviewThe Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF) is seeking proposals from creative companies to develop and design visual and audio messages. These will be part of a comprehensive multi-media campaign to raise awareness and mobilize support for comprehensive constitutional reforms in Uganda ahead of the 2025/26 General Elections. Learn more from the call for proposals |
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Call for Proposals- Mid-term Review of the SGSA ProjectDownloads: 56 | Size: 280 KB
OverviewWith funding from the European Union, UNNGOF together with West Nile Civil Society Network (WECSNET) has been implementing a 3-year project titled – Strengthening Grass Root Social Accountability for the past 18 months. The project is designed to balance the power between the citizens and their leaders and ensure the meaningful participation of citizens in development processes. The project’s overall goal is to contribute toward the improved capacity of citizens and CSOs to hold governments accountable for good governance and service delivery in Eastern and West Nile sub-regions by 2025. Since the project is at its middle point, the UNNGOF is seeking to undertake a Mid-Term Review (MTR) to determine progress made so far under this initiative and the extent to which it is on track to deliver against its original objectives – at impact, outcomes and outputs level. The MTR will also facilitate a reflection on learnings so far and help identify potential changes or adjustments that will help enhance the programme and increase the likelihood of its success. Findings from the MTR will help frame priorities, plans, and activities for the remaining period of the programme and beyond. UNNGOF is therefore seeking applications from competent individuals or firms to conduct a mid-term review for the project. Learn more from the Terms of Reference. |
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