CSO Aid and Development Effectiveness Platform Meeting
Authored by Sarah Pacutho | On: Fri, 05/05/2017 – 08:07
The Uganda National NGO Forum under the auspices of the CSO Aid and Development Effectiveness Platform organized a High-Level breakfast meeting on March 16, 2017 in Kampala to popularize the Nairobi Outcome Document and to build a collective strategy for partners on how Uganda will take advantage of this renewed global commitment.This High-Level breakfast meeting was attended by over 50 representatives of Government, Parliament, Development Partners, Civil Society, and the Private Sector. The meeting offered an opportunity for sharing perspectives on global, regional, and national partnerships through presentations and a panel discussion which allowed experts and senior representatives from government and development partners to delve deep into progress made on implementing the NOD.
To download the Revised GPEDC Report, please click here