2020 Uganda CSO Sustainability Index Report Released
The 2020 Civil Society Organisation Sustainability Index Report analyses the overall sustainability of the Ugandan CSO sector.
The Report also gives specific in-depth analysis of the;
- Legal Environment,
- Organisational Capacity,
- Financial Viability,
- Advocacy,
- Service Provision,
- Sectoral Infrastructure, and
- Public Image.
The overall sustainability of the Ugandan CSO sector was unchanged in 2020. The legal environment deteriorated moderately as the government clamped down on civic space by selectively applying laws and threatening closures and deregistration. At the same time, CSOs’ organisational capacity improved slightly as CSOs adapted effectively to constraints imposed by the pandemic. Advocacy also improved slightly as organisations sought to protect human rights during the pandemic. CSOs’ contribution to the pandemic response strengthened their service provision slightly. The sectoral infrastructure was slightly improved by new local grantmaking initiatives and CSOs’ more intentional efforts to collaborate. CSOs’ financial viability and public image were unchanged.
The CSO Sustainability Index Report was developed by the United States Agency for International Development, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance and Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance. The Uganda National NGO Forum is the local partner involved in the preparation of this Report, while project managers were FHI 360 and the International Centre for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL).
Get yourself a copy of the CSO Sustainability Index Report by clicking HERE