The Untapped Potential of Philanthropy!
A webinar to discuss the 3rd Sense-Making Policy Paper – The Philanthropy and Foreign Aid Nexus hosted by UNNGOF and CBR on 29th June 2022 put across exciting revelations around philanthropy as presented by Mr. Richard Ssewakiryanga (the lead researcher & presenter for the sense making papers[1]). The 3rd sense-making policy paper seeks to explore the pertinent issues around the evolution of aid/development cooperation and philanthropy in Africa and the possibilities of leveraging a progressive relationship between the two forms of development financing.
Notably, Richard revealed that countries in Africa are taking diverse actions and have demonstrated keen interest in philanthropy; however, it remains unclear how Uganda intends to deal with issues of philanthropy as a contributor to development. “Having my money, is like having my taxes. You have to spend it in a way that pleases me. Philanthropy has to go into the discussions of pushing boundaries,” Mr. Richard Ssewakiryanga argued.
While responding to Richard’s submissions, Dr. Jacklyn Makaaru (a scholar of governance and political economy, currently supporting Echidna Giving – a private philanthropy based in San Francisco, California), noted that just like foreign aid, philanthropy doesn’t have a ‘magic’ bullet towards development. She thus called for appropriate planning, implementation and monitoring to ensure philanthropy is used by the right people and for the right purpose.
Ms. Mariam Kiggundu (Senior Economist, Development Assistance & Regional Cooperation– Ministry of Finance), closed off this webinar noting that the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development needed to re-imagine a framework on how to tap resources from philanthropists since they have enormous potential to contribute towards community transformation and Uganda’s development. “Our taxes are not enough, that’s why we get into borrowing, however, local philanthropy is a grey area that ought to be leveraged,” said Kiggundu. She further called for more research to provide insights on how to enhance local philanthropy as part of building a self-sustaining economy.
In 2021, Uganda National NGO Forum under its Philanthropy for Development Programme commissioned a study to develop 5 sense-making policy papers on Philanthropy in Uganda on the following themes: (1) The Meaning and Practice of Philanthropy in Uganda; (2) Nexus between CSOs & Philanthropy in Uganda; (3) The Philanthropy & Foreign Aid Nexus; (4) Philanthropy & Mindset Change and; (5) The Shadow Side of Philanthropy.