EITI Team meets with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
On 5th December 2023, civil society organizations under their loose network – Civil Society Coalition on Oil and Gas (CSCO), with support from ACODE and Global Rights Alert, interfaced with the EITI International secretariat team to reflect on the EITI implementation in Uganda.
In 2020, Uganda became a member of the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), the global standard for the good governance of oil, gas and mineral resources. As part of the implementation process, member countries periodically undergo validation assessments conducted by the EITI international secretariat to determine the level of compliance with EITI standards. The team has been in the country for the validation exercise from 4th – 8th December 2023.
The CSO actors highlighted the positive progress made especially the space for policy dialogue with government that has been created. The actors decried the limited funding to the sector and the disabling NGO regulatory framework in Uganda. The need to increase citizen agency in the extractives sector was emphasized. The meeting highlighted the importance of comprehending natural resources management and enhancing corporate and public governance and accountability.
Rt. Hon. Helen Clark, the EITI Board Chair 2019 – 2022 argues that “75 billion people live in resource-rich countries; others draw on resources from these countries for sustenance. Oil, gas, and mining projects have driven economic growth, access to energy and infrastructure development. In order to realize such benefits fully, the sector needs transparent and accountable governance”.
Validation is an essential feature of the EITI process. It serves to assess performance and promote dialogue and learning at the country level. It also safeguards the integrity of the EITI by holding implementing countries to the same global standard. It is intended to provide all stakeholders with an impartial assessment of whether EITI implementation in the country is in line with the provisions of the EITI standard. The validation report seeks to identify the impact of the EITI in the country being validated, the implementation of activities encouraged by the EITI standard, lessons learnt in EITI implementation, as well as concerns stakeholders have expressed and recommendations for future implementation of the EITI.
CSOs in Uganda under their loose network – CSCO are participating in the EITI implementation in Uganda, and encourage all like-minded actors to actively engage in the natural resource governance initiatives to ensure equitable growth for Uganda.