Celebrating Excellence: The Significance of the Game Changer Awards

Published By UNNGOF |  May 23, 2024

The Change the Game Academy (CtGA) Alumni Conference, held on May 21-22, 2024, marked a significant milestone in Uganda’s philanthropic landscape. A highlight of this two-day event was the presentation of the Game Changer Awards, recognizing individuals and organizations that have exemplified outstanding contributions to local fundraising and community development. These awards underscore the importance of local philanthropy and celebrate the tangible impacts made by community-driven initiatives.

“Its excting listening in to the tgreat stories of Uganda CSO Actors turning this local fund raising and mobilising support idea (theory) into reality,” Yvonne Bles, Wilde Ganzen.

The Importance of the Game Changer Awards

The Game Changer Awards play a crucial role in acknowledging the hard work and dedication of local fundraisers and organizations (High-Net-Heart Individuals) that have leveraged the skills gained from CtGA training to drive meaningful change in their communities. These awards serve multiple purposes:

  1. Recognizing Excellence and Impact: The awards highlight the success stories of local philanthropy. This recognition not only celebrates the achievements of the awardees but also inspires others in the community to strive for similar impact.
  2. Promoting Local Philanthropy: The awards emphasize the importance of local giving and resource mobilization. They showcase how local efforts, whether through financial contributions, time, or skills, can lead to substantial improvements in community welfare.
  3. Encouraging Sustainable Development: Awarding individuals and organizations for their innovative and sustainable approaches to local challenges promotes the replication of these successful models. This encourages other CSOs and community members to adopt similar strategies, fostering a culture of sustainable development.
  4. Enhancing Visibility and Credibility: Recognition through the Game Changer Awards enhances the visibility and credibility of the recipients. This can lead to increased support from stakeholders, including donors, government entities, and other community members, thereby amplifying their impact.

Notable Award Recipients and Their Contributions

Hope for Rural Development Organization: This organization was celebrated for its “One Acre Village Model” and the establishment of an Agro-Tourism and Training Center. Supporting 60 farmers, the initiative has improved local nutrition and facilitated the formation of Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs), significantly enhancing economic stability and community resilience.

Egoli Africa Uganda: Recognized for mobilizing communities to create and distribute affordable birth kits, Egoli Africa has made childbirth safer for many women. This initiative not only improved maternal health but also empowered local communities to take charge of their healthcare needs.

Kigezi Orphans and Vulnerable Children Living with HIV/AIDS (KADOLHA): KADOLHA’s commitment to supporting the Batwa community through skills development and empowerment has been transformative. By mobilizing local leaders and business owners, KADOLHA has helped the Batwa navigate the challenges of displacement and adapt to new socio-economic realities.

Special Children Special People: This organization was honored for championing inclusive education in Wakiso District. By opening a nursery and primary school that offers inclusive learning and therapeutic interventions, they have ensured that children with disabilities are not left behind.

Elizabeth Namaganda Foundation: This foundation used Local Fundraising (LFR) skills to mobilize friends and organize a fundraiser under “Namaganda Day.” The proceeds were used to construct a canteen, now rented out to generate income supporting the education program, benefiting over 38 children.

Western Ankole Civil Society Forum: Recognized for renovating Health Centre II, this organization mobilized stakeholders to raise funds, improving healthcare services for the police barracks and the neighboring community in Bushenyi.

Global Refugees Initiative (GRI): This initiative successfully opened a community primary school in the Kiryandongo refugee settlement and host community, providing education to over 180 children and ensuring that being away from home does not deny children their right to education.

Noah’s Ark Children’s Ministry Uganda: Celebrated for its campaign against malnutrition, Noah’s Ark organized a charity walk and dinner, raising funds for nutritious supplements and other essentials for the Noah’s Ark Family Clinic, significantly impacting child health in the community.

Abanya-Rwenzori Mountaineering Association: This association was awarded for constructing a water scheme in Mughoma village, addressing the critical need for a reliable water supply and improving community health by providing clean water.

Individual Awardees and Their Contributions

Mr. Peter Kagambwa (Tooro Region): A teacher at Kaboyo Secondary School, Peter donated his laptop to the school, which was used for preparing exams and maintaining school records, greatly benefiting the school’s operations.

Mr. Joash Nkuuna (Bunyoro Region): Joash, a headteacher at Kijwenge Primary School, motivated the local community to revamp the school, increasing student enrollment from 70 to 450 and enhancing the overall learning environment.

Mr. Haluna Mutabazi (Kigezi Region): Haluna trained the Batwa people in commercial beekeeping, helping them adapt to new livelihoods after their displacement from Echuya forests.

Ms. Evelyn Ainembabazi (Kigezi Region): Evelyn dedicated her time to train Batwa women in tailoring, equipping them with skills to earn a living and improve their economic status.

Musema Van Maron (West Nile Region): Passionate about youth development, Musema started a football academy to engage young people in productive activities, combating drug abuse and idleness. The academy also engaged in community development activities like stone quarrying and brick laying.

The Broader Impact of the Awards

The Game Changer Awards not only celebrate individual and organizational achievements but also foster a broader impact by:

  • Raising Awareness: The stories of award recipients are shared widely, raising awareness about the issues they address and the solutions they implement. This helps to highlight the importance of local initiatives in addressing community challenges.
  • Building Community Pride: Recognizing local heroes fosters a sense of pride and ownership within the community. It reinforces the idea that local actions can lead to significant positive change, encouraging more people to get involved.
  • Strengthening Networks: The awards bring together a diverse group of changemakers, fostering connections and collaborations that can lead to new and innovative approaches to community development.


The Game Changer Awards at the CtGA Alumni Conference underscore the critical role of local philanthropy in driving community development. By recognizing excellence, promoting sustainable practices, and enhancing visibility, these awards not only celebrate the achievements of the recipients but also inspire broader community engagement and support. As the stories of these awardees demonstrate, local efforts, supported by the skills and knowledge gained from CtGA, can lead to profound and lasting change in Uganda.