Authored by Sarah Pacutho | On: Fri, 11/20/2015 - 15:26

The Anti – Corruption Caravan of Action Aid International Uganda (AAIU) was today 20th November 2015 welcomed back from its 10 day western leg at the AAIU offices in Kansanga. The four car caravan, escorted by a Police Patrol car and officers who provided security throughout the whole trip, was welcomed by the Head of the Financial Intelligence Authority, civil society leaders, media, and staff of AAIU.

On arrival, the flag that was symbolically given to the caravan team on departure was formally returned and received by Mr Ssewakiryanga of UNNGOF, Mohammed Ndifuna of HURINET and Nixon Ogwal of AAIU on behalf of civil society.

Those present were regaled with experiences on the caravan by representatives of media, Police, the youth and Musicians who told a tale of huge numbers attending, the deplorable state of roads and service infrastructure in some districts, the heavy investments in millions and billions being made by candidates wishing to get elected, of how music was a key weapon in sensitizing the masses on issues around the theme, “A vote sold is a service denied”. Citizens encountered were described as welcoming and eager to share their wishes, experiences and opinions.

It was told of how the caravan traversed over 11 districts in 10 days, holding over 11 major rallies, over 8 roadside discussions with citizens and directly reached about 15,000 citizens and about three million others indirectly through other platforms.

The Anti-corruption caravan is one of many initiatives carried out by various civil society actors against the high levels of graft in the country, and is specifically targeted at the road leading to the general elections in February of 2016. This work is also in tune with work on the Citizens’ Manifesto, the No vote buying and selling Campaign of Uganda Governance Monitoring Platform and the ‘Topowa’ campaign by CCEDU Uganda.