Who We Are
The Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF) is an independent and inclusive national platform for NGOs in Uganda that was launched in 1997 to create space for NGOs to reflect, strategize and take action on matters of mutual interest. UNNGOF is a membership organisation with over 650 members across the country.
UNNGOF’s primary constituency and owners are NGOs in their diversity and configurations, but is however open to other interest groups within a broadly defined civil society. Membership spans international, national, faith-based, networks and district organisations.
History of NGO Forum
The idea to form UNNGOF was to establish a broad-based national body for diverse NGOs to come together in pursuit of a collective agenda of engagement with Government and other development actors.
Under the auspices of Development Network of Indigenous Voluntary Associations (DENIVA), a meeting of interested organisations and individuals was convened to chart a way forward on forming a new forum. To steer the process, a committee was formed in 1995, between national and international organisations, including Uganda Women’s Network (UWONET), Oxfam and World Vision.
Uganda National NGO Forum was launched in 1997 following two years of concerted work to develop the operational structure, a Constitution and membership recruitment program. Many NGOs had realised the need to engage Government and the donor community on policy issues and poverty concerns. Government on the other hand, found it important to involve Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in policies and programmes.
By 2001, UNNGOF had established policies and procedures for accountability, established formal registration for members, operationalized a code of conduct, amended the Constitution by re-mobilising members, developed a three year rights-based Strategic Plan, and set up district forums for support at district level and to the Secretariat. Over the years, UNNGOF has received financial support from development partners like DFID, DANIDA, UNDP, DGF, and Ford Foundation inter alia, to undertake her mandate.
A coherent, respected, well-informed NGO sector in Uganda; actively contributing to citizens’ wellbeing and safeguarding their rights.
To provide a sharing and reflection platform for NGOs to influence governance and development processes in Uganda, and enhance their operating environment.
Core Values
Uganda National NGO Forum’s identity and position within civil society is defined by the following set of values:
- Social justice and equity
- Gender and diversity
- Autonomy
- Accountability
- Collective action and solidarity
- Unity in diversity
- Self -sufficiency
Our Objectives
The objectives which guide the activities of the Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF) include;
An informed NGO sector that possesses the necessary information and capacity to effectively engage in and contribute to development processes
A networked NGO sector with strong internal and external linkages to other actors
An engaged and accountable NGO sector that engenders respect from government and citizens, for the difference it makes to society