Call for Proposals: Consultancy to Analyse the Fourth National Development Plan (NDPIV), December 2024 in Regard to the CSO Fundamentals Paper on the NDPIV
Government of Uganda through the National Planning Authority (NPA) is finalizing the process of developing the NDPIV (2025/26 – 2029/30). Uganda has embraced a growth and socioeconomic transformation period since 2010 which focuses on increasing competitiveness by addressing fundamental economic constraints and leveraging opportunities to transition Uganda into a modern and prosperous nation. The implementation approach of a five-year – six NDPs has enabled the prioritization of interventions for this sustained growth and transformation. The NDPIV, which is under formulation, is expected to be achieved by doubling the size of the economy in the next five years. Its focus is drawn from insights and lessons gleaned from the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the NDP III. It is envisaged that the implementation of the NDPIV will fully harness Uganda’s economic potential in the next 5-years to optimize future developmental endeavors. The approval of the NDPIV, in December 2024 by the Parliament of Uganda with amendments, marks the commencement of the conclusion phases of the formulation phase.
During the formulation process of Uganda’s NDPIV, the Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF) played a key role in coordinating the participation of CSOs. One of the significant contributions was the CSO Fundamentals Paper on NDP IV developed with support from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in Uganda. This paper outlined critical issues and recommendations from the CSOs’ perspective, shared and discussed with the NPA during the consultations phase of the NDPIV. The development of the fundamentals paper involved extensive consultations with a broad range of stakeholders, with CSOs actively engaging in dialogues with the NPA. Several CSOs, particularly those with thematic areas of focus, developed issue-specific papers and conducted multiple engagements with the NPA to ensure that the perspectives of the wider civil society were incorporated into the planning process.
Following the near completion of the process, UNNGOF seeks the expertise of an independent consultant to analyze the current draft of the NDP IV and establish the extent to which it responds to and incorporates the recommendations and proposals of Civil Society. The analysis will also identify critical interventions that were not considered to inform future advocacy engagements. This analysis will act as a CSO foundational document for providing input into the future MTR of the NDPIV during its implementation period towards the realization of Uganda’s development agenda within the timeframe and beyond.
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