Dr. Moses Isooba
Executive director

Dr. Moses Isooba is the Executive Director of the Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF) – a sharing and reflection platform of National and INGOs in Uganda. Prior to joining UNNGOF, Dr Isooba was a Governance Advisor with ActionAid Denmark. He also worked as the Programme Coordinator of the Civil and Political Rights Component of DANIDA’s Human Rights and Good Governance Programme in Uganda.
He is currently a member of the Re-Imagining INGOs (RINGO) Social Lab – a group of Practitioners reimagining INGOs through disruption, innovation and systematic thinking. Under RINGO, Dr Isooba is the idea carrier of the Language and Lexicon prototype.
Statements and Updates:
CSO Statement on the Implementation of the SDGs at the Third National SDG Conference
Munyonyo Conference Centre Wednesday 19thJune 2024 Distinguished Guests and All Protocol Observed, We are delighted to share a statement at this 3rd National Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Conference on behalf of the Civil Society Fraternity in Uganda organized under the theme: “Strengthening Localization and Service delivery mechanisms for national development and SDG acceleration.” It is […]
Learn MoreDoing ‘Development Differently’ and Other Ideas on Localization from Dr. Moses Isooba
As Fund for Shared Insight reframes its international efforts to focus on encouraging U.S.-based funders to support locally-led development practices around the world, we turned to Dr. Moses Isooba to learn more. Dr. Isooba, a thought leader in the localization movement, is the executive director of the Uganda National NGO Forum and a member of […]
Learn MoreFunder Listening Globally Through Locally-led Development
As core funders of Fund for Shared Insight, we believe that helping funders listen, respond, and shift decision making to people and communities most impacted but least consulted by our sector is one of the most effective ways to improve philanthropy and increase equity. While our work has centered mostly on domestic efforts, we have […]
Learn MoreEN – Shifting the Power with Dr. Moses Isooba (Uganda)
In today’s episode, Dr. Moses Isooba will share a wealth of experience and insight to our conversation around the #ShiftthePower movement. Dr. Isooba is the Executive Director of the Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF, Forus member in Uganda), and an active member of the Re-Imagining INGOs (RINGO) Social Lab—which is reshaping the landscape of international […]
Learn MoreReimagining Development Language
This is a guest post by Dr. Moses Isooba, the Executive Director of the Uganda National NGO Forum, a civil society platform for governance and democracy influencing in Uganda “Language is a critical part of a community’s identity and heritage. As we lose languages, we lose a part of our collective history and culture.”– Anju […]
Learn MoreTen reasons to reform international development
It is imperative that INGOs and donors are people-focused and remain truly wedded to the subsidiarity principle, acknowledging that the one closest to the problem usually has the solution. This way, INGOs and donors would be making an effort to hold themselves accountable to the communities. INGOs and donors can also endeavour to work more […]
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