Adapting in the Face of COVID-19: UNNGOF Holds 2nd Virtual AGM
Organisations that want to set the pace must be malleable and quick to adapt.
UNNGOF convenes a General assembly every year, and the 19th Annual General Assembly was held on 29th July 2021.
One would be remiss to think that the General Assembly is just an obligation for UNNGOF. It is indeed a convention that brings a diversity of minds and ideas together as members of the sharing and reflection platform unite to advance the mission and vision of The NGO Blueprint.
While the world as we knew it was forever changed by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent prevention measures nudged us faster to embrace technology in ways we had not envisioned before.
Adapting quickly and improving our engagement methods, we held a hybrid General Assembly for the second year running. Board members were gathered in the UNNGOF boardroom observing the SOPs while other members of the platform including the secretariat joined the conversation via Zoom.
Equipping members with all pertinent information beforehand helped the conversation to flow in an informed and charged manner.
Chaired by Ryan Duly, the Vice-Chairperson and board member representing international NGOs on the board, the meeting began at 10:05 AM. Giving opening remarks, he thanked the members for adapting and staying committed to the mission and vision of UNNGOF despite the difficulties of the past year characterized by loss, the shrinking civil society space and the COVID19 restrictions.
Taking into consideration the dynamic times, one of the top agenda items was the amendment of the UNNGOF constitution to allow the holding of General Meetings through virtual platforms. The amendment, which was unanimously endorsed, is a step in the right direction for UNNGOF and its members setting the pace for continued resilience and adaptability.
Three new Board members were elected during the Assembly; Mr Paul Mulindwa of Kitara Civil Society Organisations Network as the Representative of District NGOs, Ms Emily Drani as the Independent Board member, and Ms. Margaret Sekaggya of the Human Rights Centre Uganda as the Representative for National NGOs.
Ms. Sekaggya was elected as the Chairperson of the UNNGOF Board.
“Let’s work together. If we do so, we shall be able to come up with ideas for the issues facing the NGO sector. I am there at your disposal to work with you. Let’s discuss and not fight. We as civil society should know one other more.”
With experience working with the Uganda Human Rights Commission, the UN and the Uganda government, she brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the Forum.
“I want us to challenge the negative narrative that comes with institutions. I want to raise the issue of freezing NGO accounts and we work on that together. Let us unite and work together.” – Ms. Margaret Sekaggya.
Therefore, as of 29th July 2021, the UNNGOF Executive Committee was constituted as follows:
a) Chairperson – Ms. Margaret Sekaggya
b) Vice Chairperson – Mr. Ryan Duly
c) Treasurer – Ms. Claudia Apio
We are re-energised and looking forward to a stronger and united civil society sector.