UNNGOF internal capacity boosted
One of the core mandates of UNNGOF is to strengthen the capacity of its members and partners for them to ably implement their core mandate. As such, we are committed to enhancing the capacity of staff at the secretariat to sustainably pass on skills and knowledge to our constituencies.
In the month of June 2023, 3 staff participated in the Change the Game Academy Training of Trainers, held in Addis Ababa – Ethiopia i.e. Local Fundraising course (Robert Ninyesiga), Mobilising Support course (Moses Mulindwa) and Social Accountability course(Sarah Pacutho). This has boosted our resident capacity to provide excellent training support to UNNGOF members and partners in the area of Local fundraising, Mobilising Support and Social Accountability.
“As we leave this graduation ceremony, let us remember that we have the power to make a difference. Let us take the knowledge and skills we have acquired and apply them with compassion and determination” … said Moses Mulindwa while giving a speech on behalf of the trainees.
The above 3 courses lie at the heart of shifting the power to communities and therefore fit well in our mission to build a movement/society that recognizes, respects and harnesses the power of local philanthropy and domestic resource mobilization. With the skills acquired, we will be able to cascade this knowledge to the constituencies we serve as we strive to build sustainable communities.